Baby at 9/10&11 weeks

I got a baby the size of a cherry right now!

We are now in second trimester where I am now allowed to consider my baby a fetus and not an embryo…I will stick with the term baby though. I read I am in my 3rd month which would make sense why things are easing up. But I am still not in the clear for another few weeks, if it decides to ease up. I am still somewhat nauseous, the last week I was getting sick a lot more and started noticing acne appearing. I don’t have bad break outs but this time around I am getting zits on my face and even had to have my fiance get one on my back…I am 29, I am not a fan of just now getting zits on my back. Any who, my nausea hasn’t been as bad these last few days. Oh and I had my first nose bleed the other day. It is completely normal for pregnant women to experience this during pregnancy but its the first for me. Although I am still bloating/swelling in my stomach still. It seems to be sticking around so its there even when I get up in the morning.

I did read if I upped my water intake and exercised I could probably lose it BUT, when I am getting sick off of sinus drainage and my stomach is in a constant churn it just didn’t sound like the best option for me. Soooo I am getting use to having this little pooch.

At this stage, all of the things baby has developed are now going to continue to develop and grow. Which means babies facial features are going to start becoming more prominent over the next few weeks.

……I failed at this and completely forgot to finish week 9 so we are just going to jump in to weeks 10 and 11….. (:

Pregnancy brain is real. Just so you know. I can walk around and be doing something and talking to my fiance and not even 3 minutes later completely forget what I said and what I was doing. The struggle is real.

So about week 10. Baby is the size of a strawberry! (I LOVE me some strawberries, and baby seems to also love them!) And at 10 weeks I am 2 months and a week. Woo!

At 10 weeks I am still getting sick, not as severe of nausea though. Sinus drainage makes me sick especially in the mornings. If I cough, its over. i am sprinting to the bathroom. For me though, I know my body well enough to know when I am going to get sick and especially first thing in the morning I try not to eat before because lets be honest, who wants to ruin a perfectly good bowl of frosted flakes with bananas or strawberries cut into it?? Not ME! I have ruined plenty of foods this pregnancy by getting sick off of something. FATIGUE!!! Oh hello fatigue. I am passing out at the drop of an eyelid now a day(ha). Not so good when I am at home with my 2 littles and doze off. But, on the weekends I take full advantage of Chad being home so I can nap. It is the BEST feeling in the world to wake up re-energized! My veins are beginning to show more also, especially in my breasts. Its crazy looking. The more they grow(I am cheering them on at this point), the more veins will pop up.

Pants are beginning to fit tighter, my swelling and bloating is finally subsiding in week 11 but lord my jeans are a little snug.

At 10 weeks though, the baby has all of its vital organs fully developed! Baby is still working on cartilage and arm joints and bones are forming. Fingernails and hair is starting to grow too (: crazy what your body makes. Most exciting is the baby is practicing swallowing and kicking already. How awesome!!


WEEK 11::

Baby is the size of a lime! Going from a strawberry to a lime and be a big difference. Which means you are now 2 months and 2 weeks pregnant! Congrats! almost out of first trimester.

I still have all of my same symptoms from the last few weeks as mentioned. Feeling a bit more tired maybe but, trucking through and have an appointment Thursday for my 11 weeks 6 day check. Hopefully I get scheduled for my nuchal translucency screening. This test is another ultrasound that allows them to measure the babies neck and check that baby is growing with no abnormalities this far. Most CHD cases won’t be able to be detected until around your 5 month ultrasound when most find out the sex of the baby, but is used to make sure babies spine, organs, head, face everything is growing properly…make sure baby doesn’t have 6 toes or fingers (:

Right now baby is all over your belly( I sat weird and felt it flutter across my belly but this is my 5th pregnancy so it isn’t uncommon to feel baby this early for me)! At this stage the baby has fingers and toes that are no longer webbed together and the skin is still see through but won’t be for much longer!

To be honest, since my miscarriage the death date of my first boy is coming up, I am so worried something is wrong. What if there isn’t a heartbeart Thursday? What if we lost this one too. The constant fear is always there. My symptoms are still nagging around which keeps me somewhat okay and feeling the flutter last week was awesome but, anything can happen at any point. And I fear getting too excited. I don’t want to get my own hopes up about the baby and something tragic happen again. As weird or bad as it sounds, hear break from a child just isn’t easy. So lets hope all goes well this week and I am back Friday with a week 12 update and good news about baby!





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